Happy New Year by the way! Although very cliche, I've made couple resolutions this year...
- Blog more - No promises though!
- Tone up for the wedding and maybe shed just a few pounds ;)
- Learn to crochet and/or knit. Something I've been wanting to do for awhile. In general I just want to be a bit craftier. From what I've gathered so far this is quite time consuming but also fun.
- Eat a little healthier and get familiar with my new juicer!!
You might be wondering how we are adjusting to our move to Columbia. Well, moving to Columbia has been fun, exciting and a learning experience for me. I've never really been "out of my element" before and I was truly interested to see how I would fair in a different place. Growing up and going to college in the Chicagoland area my entire life hasn't exactly exposed me to having to live far away from my family and friends. Although it is very difficult moving away from family and friends, I have to say that I don't regret moving at all. Kris and I have established a really great group of friends down here and Columbia surprisingly has lots to offer. I've always been a believer that situation is what you make it of it. Of course, I have my days where I miss my family and friends and miss being able to just hop in the car and drive over to see them. On the other hand, we have really made some great friendships down here and it's a home that Kris and I will always share. I'm sure that will be plenty ore about Columbia in posts to come...