Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Holi-DIY!!

Yes, it's not the holidays anymore but this snow day reminds me of the holidays and all the DIYing I did. I discovered this past year that I really enjoy crafting, repurposing and DIYing. I'm really excited to share some of the presents that I made for close family and friends this holiday season!!! Luckily, I had the help of my husband and father-in-law because I got sick as I was finishing up my projects! Ahhh! Mental note to start early next year!

Christmas gift for Kate - Framed Jewelry Organizer

This was a fun gift to make! It was actually pretty easy to make assuming you have the right tools and the time! Please note that I don't claim to be a DIY expert but this is the process that worked for me!

  • Unfinished open back frame (purchased this one from Michael's)
  • Ceramcoat All Purpose Sealer
  • Two acrylic paint colors (your base coat and your top coat) - I used brown for my base coat and a turquoise shade for my top coat. The base coat is your color that will show through the crackle so it's best to use colors that contrast well together. Some other combinations I like are brown/pink, black/white and black/lime.
  • Ceramcoat Crackle
  • Ceramcoat Varnish
  • Paint brushes
  • Screen material
  • Staples
  • Cup hooks
  • Seal the frame. Let dry.
  • Apply base coat. Dry again. Apply more coats as needed to cover your piece.
  • Apply crackle. Don't let it completely dry. Dry till it's tacky. Then immediately apply top coat. Let dry completely.
  • Apply varnish. Let dry completely.
  • Cut your screen material to fit your frame. You can either tack it in or staple it in depending on how thick your frame is. 
  • Twist in your cup hooks on the bottom of the frame

Thank you to Kate for the photos!!! Stay tuned for DIY 2...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kris’ Wall of Fame

This Valentine’s Day was a little different than past years…Kris and I spent Valentine’s Day apart. Not by choice of course. As most of you know, Kris is in the DPT program at Mizzou and right now he is doing his second clinical in Lexington, MO. Lexington is about an hour and half from us. Luckily, he’s close enough where he can come home on the weekends but he’s gone pretty much the whole week. With that being said, we didn’t get to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. We did get to see each other the day before for a short bit and were still able to surprise each other this past Valentine’s week with some touching gestures.
Kris stayed up Wednesday evening after I went to bed and surprised me Thursday morning with a trip down memory lane. Even though Kris had already left for his clinical very early that morning, he still managed to make my v-day special. When I woke up, I was greeted by a few Post-its on the bedroom door guiding me to my next location. Each location was a photo displayed somewhere in our house and a Post-it on it with an explanation on why that photo was special or how he felt about me when that photo was taken. Here are just a few...

from the first photo of coutney and i...
to a photo of our first trip to gatlinburg...
to a photo of one of our engagement photos in Chicago…

to the last location where there was the final 3 Post-its on our bathroom mirror…
Kris had managed to take me on a journey of our relationship through our house. It was so sweet and I feel so fortunate that after almost 7 years of being together that we still put so much effort into our relationship.
Now onto my gift for Kris…it actually worked out well that Kris and I weren’t together on Valentine’s Day because it gave me the opportunity to execute my plan. My idea stemmed from that the thought that while Kris has quite a few friends that he loves and love him, he hasn’t had many opportunities over the years to get great photos with these people. Many of these special peeps live all over the country, and getting married allowed for the opportunity to get some pretty spectacular photos with them. Plus, we had an amazing photographer, Cassandra Eldridge, who made that happen! All that being said, my vision was to create a “Kris’ Wall of Fame” of sorts in his office where it would be a wall of all things that Kris loves – family, friends, St. Louis and of course me!! I decided to go with a black & white theme that included all black & white photos and black frames with white mats. I was also going to ask the very talented cartographer, Daniel Morey to create an STL map for Kris but didn’t have enough time to ask by the time I thought of the map idea. I ended up adding this sweet vintage, black & white STL map that I found compliments of Lastly, I created a framed page that included a wedding photo surrounded by our wedding song lyrics. Amazed that I was able to track down a hammer and nails, I went to town. Here is the final product…


The unveiling was on Friday night when Kris got home and he loved it! He wasn’t even upset that I took down his Cardinal Pennants!!! However, I’m pretty certain that they will find a new home on one of his other walls.
Overall it was a really nice valentine’s day! I almost forgot to tell you about a very simple, not necessarily healthy, cookie recipe I tried out! They probably won’t break the bank if you have one or two. By my calculations each cookie was about 90 calories. I made these for Kris on Wednesday and then brought the rest to work. No leftovers which makes me happy. I don’t like having temptation around!
No Flour PB Cookies (Gluten Free)
Ingredients:  1 cup peanut butter (I used natural PB), 1 cup sugar, 1 egg
Preheat oven to 375. Mix the ingredients together and roll dough into one inch balls. Put a few inches apart on a cookie sheet and bake for approximately 9 minutes. My recipe made about 28 cookies – this number will depend on how big you want your cookies to be. Happy eating!


This recipe can be found at

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Evolution of Exercise

After another hiatus from blogging, I'm back!! 2012 was a whirlwind and I have so much to tell you about in the coming months. Now that I'm getting back into a normal routine in life that includes regular workouts, I've decided to write this blog to help me get back into my routine, but for others who have asked me for advice. 


There is so much out there regarding exercise - how to exercise, how much to exercise, cardio vs. strength training, muscle confusion, interval training, plyo, yoga, pilates, crossfit. Geez! How do you sort through it all! I'm no fitness expert or health professional but I have learned some things along the way (maybe I might take my own advice too). Here are some tips that I've gathered through my ups and downs with exercise and weight loss:
  1. Change up your workouts aka muscle confusion - There is something to be said about muscle confusion.The point is to keep your muscle's guessing! When you do the same workout every day your body and muscles will adapt. Plus, I personally get bored!
  2. Cardio vs. strength training - Yes, cardio typically burns more calories in say an hour than does weight lifting. However, when you weight lift you burn more calories for a longer period afterward than doing cardio. In addition, muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you're burning all day. So start lifting them weights!!! I should also note that I'm not saying don't do any cardio but you should be doing both!
  3. Interval Training - Love it or hate?? Well start to love it! In short, interval training is periods of alternating high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery. There are quite a few benefits to interval training including increasing cardio endurance, burning more calories in a shorter time frame, increasing speed, and reaching new exercise levels. Are you trying to break a weight loss plateau? The answer is interval training. 
  4. Try a new workout - I've recently come to enjoy Crossfit! It's crazy intense and kicks my ass but it's short, fun and great to through into the mix. 
  5. Give yourself days off -  Your body needs time to rest and rebuild muscle. You also don't want to burn yourself out. If you must - do yoga, stretching or take a walk!
  6. Prepare for your workout - If you are like me and workout after work because you can't seem to get up early enough to workout in the morning, then prepare! Bring your gym bag to work with you so you can go straight to the gym after work! After a long hard day at the office, going back home might end in a workout postponement. Don't take a chance and bring it with you!Or if you are traveling, find out if your hotel has a gym or print out an exercise routine that doesn't require equipment.
  7. Excuses: Don't make them. Excuses are like...well you know the saying! Lame excuse #1: I don't have time - We both know that's a lie! Even if you only have 15 minutes you can get a quick workout in. A short workout is better than no workout. Lame excuse #2: I'm traveling - See #6 "Prepare for our workout." My husband and I travel quite often and even though I don't always follow my own advice sometimes I do. Luckily, when I visit my parents there is a gym in their basement thanks to my health nut younger brother, Alex! He's quite arguably the healthiest person I know. There is also an indoor track by their house that I frequent. If you don't have options available to you, print out a workout to bring with you. I've listed some suggestions towards the bottom of this blog.
  8. Make your workout fun! I've found that the key to exercise is to try and incorporate types of exercise that are enjoyable to you. For me that includes running outside, hiking and exercise classes like kickboxing! If you enjoy doing it, then you are obviously more likely to do it again. I know some people that love playing Dance Central! Whatever it is that tickles your fancy - do it!
In summary, exercise and how to exercise all seems to be changing and evolving. As we try to improve our health and meet new goals the key is to have fun - join a workout group, find a workout buddy, run a race or make a game out of it. The one tip I try to remind myself when exercising is that it's not a competition with anyone, it's not about being the skinniest, it's about feeling energetic, healthy and being a better you.

Quick Workouts + Anywhere Workouts

~ If you're anything like me, some days you don't have much time for a workout or your traveling like my husband and I do quite a bit.  Don't have access to a gym or your normal workout equipment? No worries!! Here are some sites that are perfect for those times!